All the alphas in the packs set aside their differences for some friendly competition. When an unexp
All the alphas in the packs set aside their differences for some friendly competition. When an unexpected accident puts many of the yakubd.ccpack's star alpha wolves out of commission, a new team is assembled that includes forest friends not in the pack. Can Coach Humphrey lead his ragtag group of "underdogs" to victory?
主演:迈克尔·米赞宁 Mike Mizanin,肖恩·迈克尔斯 Shawn Michaels,瑞贝卡·奎恩,Louisa Connolly-Burnham,特伦斯·梅纳德,蒂姆·伍德沃德,马丁·福特,Anna Demetriou,迈克尔·希格斯,丹尼尔·阿德博伊加,亚力克·纽曼,Hester Ruoff,艾莉·高菲,David William Bryan